Wednesday, March 30, 2005

various (d)

It's her birthday and she's happy. They go out for dinner and she's serenaded by a string quartet.

The cat sees a ghost and tells me where to find it. We meet with him and are given a task so that he will be able to fade out.

I'm lost, looking for something(one) in the woods. I see a trail marked by luminous white pebbles and follow it to a pond. Someone has already disturbed the waters so I sit and watch the ripples.

You take me home and we make sopapillas with honey. You lick the honey off my fingers.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Power and Majicks (d)

I feel as though someone is deceiving me, but I can't tell who it is. I try to find out by asking questions of everyone I meet; all I get are non-commital responses. One person tells me it's all my imagination, that no one would ever attempt to deceive me because my powers would reveal them as a liar.

I withdraw from society, studying powers and majicks. I shun all attempts at contact from the outside. My cat is with me. We live in a cottage deep in the forest.

Eventually everyone forgets me and I am ready to go back, my powers strong.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Moving again? (d)

Driving the moving van cross country. Not certain, was it Denver or Needles? Where am I moving this time?
I stop to ask the waitress at the truckstop. She seems to be the Oracle and tells me that I'm heading in the wrong direction, turn around, go back, you don't want to be there.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The cat (dp)

she sits
ignoring the motes
dancing about her head
in a shaft of sunlight

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Shadows of the Keep (d)

In the keep I can just see the top of the moon over the ramparts. It sits a few degrees above the horizon, casting a cold light over the castle. The shadows in the keep are inhabited by the terrors of the night, terrors I must pass in order to get into the main hall.
A weathered knight comes to me, offering his protection, I ask what the cost of this protection would be. He tells me his protection is offered freely and turns, hurt by my mistrust. I reach out for his arm and he vanishes.
Having information for the princess I still have to get into the main hall and so I step into the velvety blackness of the first shadow.
My spells do not work against the first terror and I am forced back into the cold light of the moon.
Again the knight comes to me. This time I accept his offer of help and we set forth through the shadows, fighting the terrors one by one as we make our way to the main hall and the princess.
Overjoyed at the news I have relayed to her about her parents, the princess gives me a gift.
I leave, the knight follows me. We camp beside the lake.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Digging out (d)

I have nothing with which to get myself out of the hole I'm in, I can see no way out. I look up and see a face, smiling down on me, then it goes away.
I sit thinking, taking stock in my surroundings. There are rocks and the walls of the hole are dirt and more rocks. If I pull rocks out of the walls of the hole, the dirt may soon cover me or the hole may cave in. If I carefully pile the rocks and dirt and pack it down, I may get out. But the hole may still cave in on me.
It's a chance I have to take, I must get back into the sunshine.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Part the last: (p)

The story is written,
the tales all told,
the wonder has ceased,
the air grows cold.
An absence of feeling
washes the mind,
the absence of meaning
evokes nothing in kind.
Age is an illusion,
youth as well.
Tell it to your grandchildren
from your lofty perch in hell.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Part the second: (p)

Love: illusion grandest,
flee my sight.
Bother me not with promises,
tell me your story naught.
Get thee away from me,
for you are nothing;
vain glory.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Illusion: part the first (p)

Do not believe
in the illusion
of life, nor love.
Take only what you can use
leave the rest,
for to not take more than you need,
is the only test.

Monday, March 14, 2005

More Elephants (d)

The biggest elephant I've ever seen comes up to the dock. Everyone runs except for you. I run, then turn to see why you're not with me. You're feeding the elephant some alfalfa and he likes it.
Later on the elephant picks me up in his trunk and you tell him to put me down because I'm not a toy.
The dream is all colored wrong, like a kid's coloring book, where the kid only had 8 colors of crayons.

Friday, March 11, 2005

motes and music (dp)

Sunshine, gilding the motes
of dust, drifting
lazy afternoon.
Music, wound up
the steel needle tracing
the path
of scratchy voices
from the past.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

prisoner (d)

I'm in prison, though they think they're treating me well, I'm very unhappy.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

3 dreams (d)

Riding atop a three-decker bus in a large city.
Everyone's naked, even me!
I'm not embarrassed, but I can't tell the boys from the girls because everyone has large breasts and penises.

At the shore of a lake surrounded by lush forest, I shed my clothes and swim to the raft.

On the southwest side of a mountain, more lush forest, I find an opening and fall in. After the fall I land in a soft bed and you're there, laughing at me.
You feed me salsa and rice, then we go exploring.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Catching up:

From 03/05/05:

I'm alone, which what I've always wanted, but now that I am, I don't want to be. It's very peaceful, something I'm not used to. The silence weighs down on me until I'm nervously whistling as I walk along the seashore.

Last night:

I'm at Mardi Gras, then Carnaval, then Cinco de Mayo. I don't travel between, I'm just there. I watch the people having fun and wonder when my turn will come.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

damn you

I can't do this anymore
I can't go on like this
I don't want to shrug it off
As just another phase.
If I have to fight
to get you back...

oh well,
no point in fighting
for something that was never mine.

But I would.
Fight that is.
If you ever had been.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

dreams last night

I leave because I'm no longer wanted or needed. I'm no longer wanted or needed because I leave.
This confuses me no end.
I go before the council and ask if I should have stayed.
They tell me that I know the answer and that my future lies in the knowing.
I throw up my hands and walk away, as I am tiring of riddles and who knows what the future will bring...
Another dream:
Music is the constant. All music must be played and listened to. If there is no music, there is no coupling.
I desperately want to couple with one man and he will not listen to music, though he appears to want to couple with me.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Tales of wand'ring (dp)

I wrote a book,
a tale of fright;
of wand'ring caves,
in black of night.
There were great and terrible
monsters creeping
but I'm not scared,
I'm just sleeping.
We turn a corner
and before our eyes
we behold
a wond'rous prize.
A feast of plenty
mashed potatoes and cakes
a great roasted beast
cut up into steaks.
We eat and eat
'til we can hold no more
then fall asleep
beside the door.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I won't (p)

I won't tell you again
that I'm lonely and I miss you.
I won't tell you (not once)
that I dream of when I might kiss you.
I won't tell you,
I won't, I just won't.
I'll not hint that I even deign to care
I shan't shower you with gifts from here and from there.
I'll not agree with a thing that you say
and I'll not sit in your lap for hours each day.
My corner is over there
and I in my corner
shall sit in my chair.
I'm not waiting,
I'm not looking,
I'm probably just sitting,
not thinking about cooking
a feast to celebrate
your return
from elsewhere.
because familiarity breeds a fonder heart
and contempt is borne of absence

Circus (d)

There's a circus, they need a new elephant handler and they choose someone else, not me.
The bull elephant comes over to me and will not go to the person the circus owners chose. They apologize to that person and I get the job.
The elephant asks me if I'd like to go for a ride. I say 'Yes, please' and he picks me up and sets me on his back. We wander around the world for a while then go back to the circus just in time for the show.
He's a magical elephant. He tells me his real name. All I have to do is whisper it and he will appear. He likes to eat young shoots of a certain plant that only grows in the area around the great river.
There are bad men who try to take the magical elephant away from me. He stomps them with his huge feet and kills them all.
I am hurt in the fight and he carries me to the great river. He feeds me the shoots of the plant and bathes me in the water. I get better.
We leave the circus and wander about the world, visiting all the places we'd always wanted to see. We are happy with each other and live a great many years together in this manner.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

One (p)

one lonely body
in the space
the beat of the music
all that is
one lonely body
in the space

(inspired by a recent re-read)


I don't get to write my dreams down as soon as I wake up. Sadly, I lose a lot of them that way.