Monday, December 27, 2004

Have you ever?

dreamed of someone else's writing?

Not just dreamed about something you'd read recently, but about something they hadn't written yet? Or that you at least hadn't seen yet.

I had such a dream last night, and upon waking immediately went to see if I could find said writing. Imagine my surprise when it wasn't where I saw it in my dream.

I tried to remember the words I'd read in my dream, but couldn't put any together that would make any sense. I'm sure there was mention of water and clouds/cloud formations but other than that not a lot. Rain, softness, a scent of heliotrope.

All day I've thought about this dream and all I came up with was a feeling of deep passion for whatever it was that was being written about. There was a sense of being complete and happy.

The title! the color of your laughter Yes, it was lower case. [and yes, I DID just remember that]

Most interesting dream/recollection I've had in a long time.

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